Rate EUR 2,100 + VAT 25,5% (does not apply to advertisers outside Finland). Two revision rounds and
follow-up report included in the price. No media agency discount.
The whole message at your disposal: headline, text, links, logos, video embedding, poll, and layout.
Quick and easy: we prepare the whole message and send it on the desired date.
Materials and reservations at least five work days before the message is sent.
Format: jpg, png, and gif
Picture size: width 1,200 px (whole column) or 380 x 380 px (beside text).
Text length: free, when picture is not located beside the text. Text beside the pic: appr. 300
Rate card tailored direct mail
Material delivery to: ilmoitukset@tttlehti.fi
Advertisement sales
Jaana Koivisto
tel. +358 40 770 3043